[sunflower] Brand identity
[Sunflower] is a new music ensemble looking to showcase their work on social media and create videos on Youtube. They wanted something sophisticated, and modern, and had some organic elements brought in for the sunflower. From a musical background, I chose to use the bars or measures in writing music as an element to pair with the sunflower. The classic colors I chose were based on my mood board for more traditional music and using pops of color.
[sunflower] ensemble
Branding, Logo Design
Music is made up of many symbols and the music ensemble wanted to share their music with the world. A brand that showcases who they are immediately and helps them understand the power of branding allows them to have the tools to create the rest themselves. I formed a comprehensive brand guide for them to use in the future.
We decided to go forth with a mix of organic illustration of a sunflower with the bars of the music sheets.